it will reach $3 before the month end and my source is Trust me bro, just pure instinct. 😇🤑
$USUAL daqui a 8 dias coincidindo com ano novo Gregoriano, chegará ao fornecimento máximo de 496 milhões primeira fase de 12,67%. Porque daqui a 8 dias? Porque estão aumentando o número de tokens 1.5 milhões por dia, aumentando simultaneamente o fornecimento máximo .Então para haver pouca demanda e uma alta expressiva, aguardem daqui a 8 dias mais ou menos.
i will put $24,000 to this and then cash them out next year February ✌😇
$USUAL if you don't ave any holdings of this token, don't come here and for those that holding it until, my advice is sell now because i want to buy more 🤣🤣
$USUAL if you don't ave any holdings of this token, don't come here and for those that holding it until, my advice is sell now because i want to buy more 🤣🤣
$USUAL last time i posted about crybabies, why can't they wait and when the pump start they will buy at the top and then cry again when dumping start hahahahaha. See you at $3 tomorrow ✌