My Binance Square Profile

Today; it’s me on Binance Square with 66.9K+ Followers but once upon a time; I was absolutely zero. Means; The Beginning.

Then I started doing things like posting: Technical Analysis & News & Guides. So; within 2 months I am able to collect 40K+ unique consumers. Their interest are only making money & acquiring knowledge.

Fiverr Profile

Then I was curious to find a way to make money more with Binance Square. Then I create a Fiverr account.

Dashboard on Fiverr

Then I get 5 orders from 4 Clints. Per Order : $400 Posting Articles on Binance Square.

New Gig on Fiverr

More exposure means sell more things. So, I started new Game development GIG on Fiverr. Per Package: $6,500 with Full Package.


This Equation is simple;

Collect Audience + Paid Sponsorships with High Quality + Sell Your Passion

#Learnnearn #BITCOIN #altcoins

Disclaimer: This is not a Financial advice. This is a educational content for Binance Square Creators & web3 creators.