Currently in a downtrend as tether supply declines; 1d-1w is the break-even point for high prices is one of the selling pressures.

1m-3m supports the price. It is safe to assume that this is the area where new purchases are being made due to the large Stablecoins issue in mid-April.

However, the fact that it has been touched many times means that it is eating liquidity = it could be selling. It is also necessary to anticipate a future move out of this area.

Study-Realized Price:

Step 1: Understanding UTXO

Bitcoin transactions are based on the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model; UTXOs record the amount and timestamp of the last time bitcoins were moved.

Step 2: Calculate the acquisition price of each UTXO

To find out the acquisition price of each UTXO, check the price of the bitcoin when it was last moved. This will give you the price at which the bitcoin was last traded.

Step 3: Calculate the current value of each UTXO

Next, calculate the current value of each UTXO. This is calculated by multiplying the acquisition price of the UTXO by its quantity.

Step 4: Calculate the realised cap for the entire network

Sum the current value of all UTXOs to calculate the Realised Cap for the entire network.

Step 5: Calculate the Realised Price

Finally, divide the Realised Cap by the current total supply to obtain the Realised Price.

Written by Crypto_Lion