What are Crypto Airdrops? Crypto airdrops are when blockchain projects give out free tokens or coins to many people.

This helps promote new projects, reward loyal users, or spread out token ownership.

Recipients usually already hold a specific cryptocurrency or have done activities for the project.

Be cautious of scams.

Never connect your main wallet for an airdrop unless instructed. Instead, create a new wallet with zero balance.

On Binance, airdrops are done automatically into your account.

Here’s the usual process

- Announcement: The project announces the airdrop on their website or social media.

- Eligibility: Rules are set on who can join, such as holding a specific cryptocurrency, signing up, or completing tasks.

- Snapshot: A blockchain snapshot records eligible wallets if based on holdings.

- Distribution: Tokens are sent to these wallets automatically or after tasks are done.

Types of Crypto Airdrops

- Standard Airdrop: Free tokens for users holding a specific cryptocurrency.

- Bounty Airdrop: Users complete tasks like promoting on social media to get tokens.

- Holder Airdrop: Tokens given to holders of a specific cryptocurrency based on their holdings.

- Exclusive Airdrop: Select group gets tokens, often as a reward.

- Fork Airdrop: When a blockchain splits, holders of the original get new tokens.

Examples of Notable Airdrops

Optimism $OP distributed tokens to early users in 2022.

Aptos $APT Airdropped APT tokens to early testers in 2022.

Arbitrum $ARB rewarded early adopters with ARB tokens in 2023.

How to Find and Participate in Airdrops:

Follow Crypto News and use sites like CoinTelegraph and CoinDesk.

Be active in forums like Bitcointalk, Reddit, and Telegram.

Check sites like Airdrop Alert and Airdrops.io

Check Wallets and Exchanges

Some wallets and exchanges notify users about airdrops, like Binance and Trust Wallet

Stay informed, complete the steps, and always research to avoid scams.

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