Ethereum Outperforms Bitcoin in 2024: ETH-USD Pair Shows Strong Uptrend.

When we examine the ETH-BTC chart, we see that Ethereum has had a complicated year compared to Bitcoin. The year started with positive momentum for Ethereum, with its value rising to around 0.06 BTC as of February. However, with a decline that lasted from March to mid-May, ETH dropped to approximately 0.048 BTC. There was a recovery in late May that brought ETH back to near 0.055 BTC, but there was a small decline again in June.

The recent upward correction signals ETH resistance, but the overall trend warrants caution. Traders must watch for a decisive move above the 0.06 BTC resistance to confirm a sustainable uptrend.

On the ETH-USD front, Ethereum followed a more promising path. ETH, which started the year at around $2,200, rose to around $4,100 by the end of March. Although there were corrections in April and May, its return to the $ 3,600 level in mid-June shows that #ETH maintains its strength against the USD.

The persistent upward movement and recovery from pullbacks suggest that ETH remains a strong competitor against the USD. Traders should watch out for consolidation above $3,500.

When we analyze Solana against #Bitcoin , we see that volatility is an important observation. #SOL , which started the year at approximately 0.0022 BTC, reached its peaks in March and early May, reaching up to 0.0027 BTC. However, it entered a downtrend in mid-June, pushing SOL back to around 0.0022 BTC.

The inability to sustain gains and repeated corrections reveal SOL's potential weaknesses relative to BTC. Investors should wait for $BTC to stabilize above 0.0025 before making long-term investment decisions.
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