3 Oversold Blue-Chip Stocks to Buy Before the June Blast-Off

Alphabet (GOOG, GOOGL)

- Overview: Alphabet, the parent company of Google, continues to show strong growth and resilience. It has a robust presence in digital advertising and is a key player in AI technology.

- Investment Rationale: Alphabet's consistent revenue from Google and YouTube, along with its strategic focus on AI, makes it a long-term investment opportunity. The company is on a trajectory that could see it joining the $3 trillion value club soon.

PepsiCo (PEP)

- Overview: PepsiCo is a global leader in the beverage and snack industry, known for its strong brand portfolio and consistent dividend growth.

- Investment Rationale: With a current yield bolstered by a recent stock dip, PepsiCo remains a reliable investment. Analysts project significant upside potential, and its defensive market position makes it an attractive option for income-focused investors.

Coinbase (COIN)

- Overview: As a major cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase is benefiting from the resurgence in crypto valuations and increased trading activity.

- Investment Rationale: Coinbase is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing interest in digital currencies. Recent market trends and strategic investments in the crypto sector suggest substantial long-term growth potential.

These stocks offer stable growth and are worth considering before the anticipated market upswing in June.