How To Control Your Greed and Make Good Money In Crypto Trading

1.Have a trading plan

The only way you can check on yourself whether you are trading out of greed or not is by maintaining a trading plan. This helps you to find out what you are doing in the market. If you show consistency in your trading plan soon you will get rid of your greediness.

2.Put aside your get rich quick mentality

If you want to stay in the long run then you must forget the concept of making money quick. If you focus on your trading skills and strategies you can make money profitably without the fear of losing your money.

3. Never do over-trading

It is one of the biggest mistakes the traders make out of greed. The new traders want to make money fast and start over-trading, and after a few over-trades, they find out painfully that they have blown their account. So never trade in the market with the hope of making money fast.

No matter what trading strategy you adopt, the important thing is not letting your greed overpower your analytical decision making.

Sticking to sound investment decisions while controlling your emotions helps a lot. So start taming your emotions now and consistently begin to grow your crypto and portfolio with care and strategic planning, and I can assure you that in a short while you will be amazed at what a $100 start up investment can grow into.

Follow me for more as you research and plan big for the future. Don't rush. See you at the top.

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