Some Crypto advise for the months to come.

*For newer traders or traders who lose trading leverage*

This is solely advise for people who intend to invest funds at any time in the coming months, it is not a price prediction but it is the most realistic way for most retail traders to make profit and stay safe.

This will protect you from short term manipulations, liquidations, but MOST importantly it will protect you from yourself!

70% into spot BTC

Basically any amount you intent to invest or leverage trade for the rest of the year, before doing so put 70% of those funds into spot BTC.

I dont care what price BTC is at that time, if you already intended on an investment or a leveraged trade, 70% goes into SPOT BTC first.

The 30% you have remaining use for speculation, treat that as your bankroll, try profit off that and buy into further projects you like.

This is not a get rich quick scheme , if you want to get investment advise from YT shorts or Square posts saying 100x i cant stop you, has it worked in the past?

Would this posts advise have been more profitable for you in the past 3 months?

This is sensible and realistic advise that will serve you well in the months to come.

For many reasons i dont believe BTC dominance(55.47%) will fall enough to start a parabolic ALT season this year.

It makes little sense to make NEW investments, especially leveraged, into anything besides BTC in the coming months.


If you take this advise dont deviate.

Not matter what, you hold the spot BTC.

If you lose the 30% for speculation you dont touch the BTC.

If you deposit further funds, 70% of those funds go into SPOT BTC.

DONT touch the BTC

Store the BTC in an off exchange wallet or cold storage.

I promise over the next year if you stick to this advise you will be far more profitable than trying to go for quick gains or predict the market.

It wont be easy, it will take discipline but it will pay off.

If you are a profitable and desciplined short term trader, congrats, this post is not aimed at you.


#BTC #bitcoin #altcoins #TopCoinsJune2024