Space and Time (SxT) recently announced the release of Proof of SQL v1. This is the very first system of zero-knowledge (ZK) prover which can deal in less than a second. This is a serious improvement, considering the long time taken by current methods to generate proof which takes normally around 30 minutes. It is open as a product to the whole open-source community.

Proof of SQL Ensures Data Integrity for Developers

The Proof of SQL protocol majorly focuses on preserving the integrity of data by verifying SQL queries are computed correctly against the original untampered data. This enables developers to accurately perform computations on on-chain and off-chain data far faster than available from the market leaders. This has made Proof of SQL the fastest ZK proof of its kind.

Space and Time is a provable computing layer optimized for AI and blockchain. It has raised $20 million from Microsoft. It is focused on making AI models safer, more auditable and more verifiable. With the help of large language models (LLMs), developers can make dashboards or other cross-chain analytics quickly and comfortably.

SxC’s Proof of SQL protocol ensures the correctness of SQL database queries from an untampered data source, and was developed by SxT. This allows developers to perform computations on both on-chain and off-chain datasets in a trustless way, with the results proving themselves back to smart contracts during transactions. This innovation makes more advanced DeFi protocols available with data-driven smart contracts.

Jay White Highlights Impact of Sub-Second ZK Proofs

Jay White is Co-Founder and Head of Research at SxT. He highlighted the importance of this development. As White describes, the ability to generate sub-second ZK proofs will allow smart contracts and AI agents to access both on-chain state and external data.

The SxT cryptography team recently completed testing. It shows that protocol can run analytic queries over 100,000-row tables on a single GPU in less than a second. Proof of SQL was first released as an alpha to a select group of SxT customers. Ultimately, Proof of SQL is already protecting some of the most well-known Web3 apps, financial institutions, and businesses. It can be included into any type of SQL database, whether it is centralized or decentralized.