SIMPLE ANSWER - The Internet of GPUs 

IO.NET is a decentralized AI computing & cloud platform that utilizes blockchain technology to provide a secure and scalable infrastructure for AI applications. It aims to address the limitations of traditional cloud platforms, such as high costs, centralization, and lack of transparency.

Key Features of io.net Blockchain:

  • Decentralized: io.net is a peer-to-peer network, meaning that there is no central authority. This makes the network more resistant to censorship and downtime.

  • Secure: io.net uses blockchain technology to secure data and transactions. This makes the platform more resistant to hacks and fraud.

  • Scalable: io.net is designed to be scalable to meet the growing demand for AI computing power.

  • Transparent: All transactions on the io.net network are recorded on the blockchain, which makes the platform more transparent and accountable.

IO Token:

The native utility token of io.net is called IO. It is used to pay for compute resources on the network, as well as to participate in governance.


  • Total supply: 500 million IO

  • Circulating supply: 250 million IO

  • Allocation:

    • Ecosystem: 37.5%

    • R&D: 16.01%

    • Seed Sale: 12.5%

    • Initial Core Contributors: 11.34%

    • Other: 22.65%


io.net has raised a total of $40 million USD from two rounds of private sales. The most recent round of funding valued the company at $1 billion USD.


The io.net ecosystem is comprised of a number of core elements, including:

  • io.net Cloud: A decentralized cloud platform that provides access to AI computing resources.

  • io.net Marketplace: A marketplace for AI applications and services.

  • io.net Developer Portal: A platform for developers to build and deploy AI applications on the io.net network.

Future Outlook:

io.net is a promising project with the potential to revolutionize the way AI applications are developed and deployed. The company has a strong team and a well-defined roadmap for the future. I am excited to see how io.net develops in the years to come.


You can earn rewards through IO.net using Solana Pay. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  • Sharing your GPU resources: io.net allows users to contribute their unused GPU power to the network. These "workers" are compensated for their contribution.

  • Solana Pay Integration: When you connect your GPU as a worker on io.net, you'll need to provide a Solana wallet address. This enables secure and instant payments through Solana Pay for the compute power you contribute.

In simpler terms, you rent out your unused GPU power through io.net, and they pay you in crypto (IO tokens) directly to your Solana wallet using Solana Pay. Isn't that amazing?


Last Traded Price

4.28 USDT

Floor Price

4.28 USDT

Highest Bid

3.97 USDT

Average Price

4.02 USDT

This is a premarket price from other platforms! KEEP IN MIND and DYOR! DIAMOND HANDS 💪💰💰💰

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