🚨 Starting trading? Get ready for a bumpy ride! 🚨

If you're new to trading, it's very likely that you'll lose money for a while. Many are drawn to trading by the promise of big earnings, but remember, you're up against very smart competitors in a zero-sum game. 💼💸

Essentially, you're trying to take money from these savvy traders, and they're trying to take money from you. When you first start trading, you're likely to lose because you're not prepared. You have no mentor, haven't read any books, or watched any educational videos. You just signed up, deposited money, and started trading. 📉

Do you really think you can outsmart seasoned traders this way? I don't think so. 🤔

If you take the time to learn before you start, develop discipline, stay cautious, and learn to be objective while avoiding greed, you stand a chance against these experienced traders. 📚💡

Keep learning and stay focused. 💪📈