I’m telling you all the following because I don’t want you to miss out on this leg higher:

> Have the coins you want.

Make sure they’ve been strong vs BTC, have catalysts, and can catch a bid on varying narratives.

> Don’t try sell to buy more cheap.

Have your spot allocations locked in, if you want to trade and mess about then do that with perpetuals, hold your spot.

> Patience

It’s so hard to sit on your hands, you’ll see + 20% then +40% then -10% then -5% then +5% then -5% then +20% then +30%.

That will test you.

There will come a point to sell but to make sure you get to that point you must remain patient.

> Don’t f… this up

I’m doing my best to make this all very clear to you because I want you to win.

We can eat our pie and share it, there’s plenty to go around and we’re a small community.

> Buckle up

Prepare to continue to experience every emotion under the sun, we got each other though.

#BullRun #BitEagleNews