🔥@PiCoreTeam 📢 Pioneers! DAPPs built on Pi can be ready to connect Fiat: BANK, VISA, MASTERCARD etc... when Open Network. 🎉

In the Pi Network white paper, it was said: When Open Network, external Blokchchain exchanges “CAN” connect to Pi. This further confirms that Pi Network is focusing on building a Web3 platform that fully integrates the traditional web2 economy.

Most traditional fields such as information technology, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, real estate, construction, food, finance, services, tourism, logistics, etc. are all aiming for integration. Blockchain management application. With Pi, all of the above problems can be built on Pi.

One of the issues of great concern to the community when the mainnet opens will be selling Pi for Fiat through other Blockchain exchanges, right?

Yes, this can absolutely happen. However, that is not necessary because Pi can meet the real needs of web2 in the near future.

Furthermore, dapps can directly integrate inputs and outputs such as VISA, MASTERCARD, OTHER BLOCKCHAIN... This is not difficult.

✅In short, the Open Network is getting closer and pioneers should pay attention to Pi safety and participate in building Dapps via Pi SDK or use dapps regularly so that Dapp developers can test and fix errors as soon as possible. before Open Network.

💪 "Today marks a beginning not an end, so stay connected, get ready to deploy and be part of the growing community shaping the future of decentralized finance."

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