Top 5 coin to watch on Binance in May.

)1️⃣- Renzo.

The live price of Renzo is around $0.1459 USD.

It's experienced a decrease of around 2.58% in the last 24 hours.

Here's some additional information you might find helpful:

Renzo's all-time high was $0.2782, reached on April 30, 2024.

Its all-time low was $0.1385, recorded on May 1, 2024.

The current market capitalization of Renzo is approximately $167.7 million USD.

Market cap : $165,603,686

Circulating supply : 1,150,000,000 REZ

Total supply : 10,000,000,000 REZ

)2️⃣- BounceBit (BB).

BounceBit (BB) is a platform designed for re-staking Bitcoin (BTC). It combines aspects of decentralized finance (DeFi) and centralized finance (CeFi) through its CeDeFi architecture. This structure is intended to offer BB holders opportunities to generate income from various sources.

Here are some additional details to consider:

Total Supply: There will be a maximum of 2,100,000,000 BB coins (total supply at 2.1 Billion).

BB Coin Uses: Staking, validator rewards, transaction fees, smart contract execution, governance voting, and medium of exchange within the BounceBit platform.

,3️⃣)- Saga (SAGA).

The price of Saga (SAGA) is currently around $2.87 per token. Here's a breakdown of some relevant information:

Live price: $2.87.

24-hour trading volume: $89,011,882 USD

Market cap: $286.20 million USD

Circulating supply : 92,244,525 SAGA

Total supply : 1,006,149,384 SAGA

All-time high: $7.60 (April 9, 2024)

All-time low: $2.87 (May 8, 2024)

4️⃣)- Tensor.

Here's a quick summary of Tensor's price:

Current price: $0.77 USD (approximately)

24-hour change: -7.72% (down)

All-time high: $2.23 USD (reached on April 8th, 2024)

Market cap :

Market cap : $96,943,535

Circulating supply : 125,000,000 TNSR

Total supply : 1,000,000,000 TNSR

5️⃣)- Wormhole.

The live price of Wormhole (W) is currently around $0.63 USD.

Here's a bit more information:

Price: $0.64 USD (as of May 8, 2024).

Market Cap : $1,160,961,633

Circulating supply : 1,800,000,000 W

Total supply : 10,000,000,000 W
