📣Hey BTC enthusiasts! Robert Kiyosaki, the financial guru and author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, has some hot tips for surviving a market crash, and guess what? Bitcoin (BTC) is on the list! 🚀

Kiyosaki warns that a market crash is upon us, but don't fret, he says these are the best opportunities to get rich. His first rule? Don't catch falling knives! 🙅‍♂️ Wait for asset prices to bottom out before jumping in.

While you're waiting, Kiyosaki suggests studying up on the financial sector. Dive deep into real estate, taxes, stocks, and oil. But beware of fake tutors! Find the real deal and invest time in learning from them. 🧐

He also advises seeking out new friends who are on the same financial journey as you. Stay away from victims and Marxists, he warns. 🚫

Kiyosaki also encourages starting small businesses as side hustles and becoming employees who aren't afraid of job loss. And his final rule? Save real money, not fake money. Real money, like BTC and precious metals, increases in value over time, while fiat money depreciates. 💰

So, buckle up, BTC lovers! Let's make this crash the best thing that ever happened to us! 🎢