Ever outsmarted a scammer? 🤔⁉️

Received 5 obvious crypto scam DMs. Wondering how to avoid and even flip the script on them. One scammer invited me to their investor group, promising big returns. Knowing it was a scam, I played along, asking, “How can I trust you're not a scammer?” When he said to trust him, I threw a curveball, challenging him to send $5 in BTC to prove it. 💸 My aim was to make him invest in his own scam, thinking he'd hit the jackpot. Unfortunately, he ghosted me after I pressed him 😂. This tactic or something similar might work on some scammers and turn the tables.


🚨 Report scams on social media platforms ASAP to prevent others from falling victim.

🚨 Scammers are sneaky and experienced; stay sharp.

Remember, mistakes happen. If you're scammed, report it immediately to protect others from the same fate. #ScamRiskWarning