Deceptive Receipts and Fake Escrow: How Scammers Steal Your Crypto?

Cryptocurrency offers exciting opportunities, but beware of scammers lurking to steal your hard-earned assets. Two common tactics they use are fake receipt scams and phony escrow transactions. Let's break down how these scams work and how you can protect yourself:

Fake Receipt Scams:

  1. The Scheme: The scammer sends you a fabricated receipt (forged document or screenshot) supposedly showing payment for your cryptocurrency.

  1. The Goal: This fake receipt tricks you into releasing your crypto before you realize no actual payment has been made.

Phony Escrow Transactions:

  1. The Scheme: The scammer pushes for an "escrow service" that they control. They promise your crypto will be released to the escrow and then paid to you once the buyer's payment arrives. However, this escrow is fake, and your crypto disappears.

  2. The Goal: The scammer convinces you to send your crypto to a fraudulent wallet disguised as an escrow service.

How to Spot these Scams:

Never rely solely on receipts for payment verification. Always check your account balance directly on the exchange platform.

Binance and other legitimate platforms don't use escrow services for regular transactions. Be wary of unsolicited requests for escrow, especially those creating a sense of urgency.

Verify any escrow service directly with the platform. If someone suggests escrow, contact Binance (or your platform) to confirm its legitimacy before proceeding.

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