Why $FLOKI ?

You should ask yourself when you buy this token from its dump price.

The most important reason is this token or this project is working to do the best in its sector. Let's say a metaverse in a bigger perspective. They have a world called Valhalla. People can play, interact, and make money there. Although it's not the best and most attractive. But it serves its purpose to create a digital world.

Now people have lived in the digital world or the world of Valhalla. They need to mimic the real world in terms of finance. They have money so they need a system to live with that money. So, $FLOKI project and TokenFi project have their Decentralized Finance (DeFi) project. The economy around the Floki ecosystem is designed to be deflationary. Most of their revenue and profits will go into the treasury for burning to create a scarcity of supply. So the Economy in this ecosystem theoretically will keep the value of its token.

They also open a place where people can keep their assets for a competitive return. And their locker is said to be safe for hundreds of years.

And they want to be a bank, a digital one. This will connect the decentralized world with the real world access if succeeded.

So, why not have this promising asset?

#Memecoins #BTC #Metaverse #bitcoinhalving #Token2049