$OMNI Now I have understood that they play game with us like a small traders whom total portfolio is around 1000-2000$ ,,, they always play ,,,,

they have an AI bots ,,, through this they attack our stop loss or they know about our liquadation price,,,

when u do short ,,, they allow u to get some profits from there ,, but when u get profits 3,4 time by taking shorts ,, ur confidence level gets increase ,,, then u put huge amount on shorting ,,, just this time u in the radar of them ,,,,

they manipulate market against u,,, till than u loss ur all money,,,,

same things happen in long,,, so my opinion is that ,, always go against the sentiment of market ,,, if market is suitable,, and u think it will pump and most of the traders are taking long positions then wait and take short position ,,, this technique will always help u...

this article is mine (crypto lover mak)