…BITCOIN $1.5 Billion expiry today…

There likely isn't a major Bitcoin (BTC) expiry specific to today, April 12th, 2024. Bitcoin itself doesn't expire, but there could be options contracts expiring today that could impact the price.

You might be interested in the max pain point for Bitcoin options expiring today, April 12th, 2024. Based on news reports, the max pain point is estimated to be around $69,000 USD.

Here's what to know about max pain and why it might be relevant today:

Max Pain Point: This refers to the price at which the most options contracts expire worthless. In simpler terms, it's the price where the maximum number of option holders would lose money.

Options Expiry: Today there is a significant expiry of Bitcoin options contracts worth over $1.5 billion. Options expiry can sometimes lead to price volatility as market participants maneuver to avoid losses on their expiring contracts.

Impact on Price: The max pain point is an estimate, not a guarantee. It reflects where options are concentrated, but it doesn't necessarily cause the price to move there. Other market forces also play a role.

Keep in mind:

This information is based on estimates and news reports as of today, April 12, 2024.

The actual price of Bitcoin may fluctuate throughout the day and may not necessarily reach the max pain point.

This should not be taken as financial advice.

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