Market update:

The market is very optimistic right now. You can buy at the current price, but be careful when buying contracts. There is still a possibility that the price will fall to about $63,500. Competition between buyers and sellers is acute and can lead to even greater price fluctuations. Many people got scared and left the market because of the recent wave of sales. Some people think that the good times are over, but I believe that the market will continue to grow.

Regardless of the short-term changes, I’m focussed on making #Ethereum reach $5,000 an #Bitcoin reach $85,000. Time helps investments grow. The longer you hold, the more you are likely to win in the future. Don’t worry too much about small daily profits or losses. Investing is long-term goals, not guessing short-term steps. If you can’t cope with the ups and downs of the bull market, it may be better not to invest right now.