GM guyssssss!!!! OK, so relevant stuff today is... pre halving retrace is over, we entered reacumulation zone, should be between 68.650 and 70/71... BUT I think BTC will hit another ATH before halving and they will just skip reacumulation because they are the big boys from Wall Street and they can, period, hehe. Altseason is offically here so if u r planning on getting on, GET ON NOW, this train is leaving and waits for no one, trust me. Do research, investigate , stay up to date with the relevant news and choose a good crypto project (or 2, diversification matters 😎) and get on, then WAIT! that's basically all you have to do. don't go bold thinking " cool, I've been in crypto for a month, I get it now! let's go play with future trading" DON'T !! U don't get it, u will lose all your money because u have no idea what u r doing, learn, then u can do whatever u want, knowledge is power, I say that in every post but, u have to really understand how to before doing something. U wouldn't go play Einstein , huh? Ok, don't go play future trading 😊 Not a mom, do whatever u want, I'm just saying hehe.

"ETHFI not going beyond 8.5 nooo I'm selling!" NOOO it just climbed from 3 to 7/8 in less than a week! U don't sell against wall street! U copy what they do to make money. they buy, you buy, period. They get RWA, u get RWA. if u have the money, u get BTC (amounts above 5000k) you get ETH (amounts above 1000k) to make good profit and u diversify into other projects too to make better profit.

BTW, I let FUD get the best of me and said I might be selling $VANRY OK no, I am not selling. I loved the project before WALL STREET, I still love it even manipulation in the market. I think it will do great this bullrun.

well, that's it, I'll update later! 😜




*not financial advice, educational purposes, investigate! knowledge is power!*

*original written language is English, get context please if u r translating or reading in another language*

Love, Andy.