What are the ways to earn free crypto on Free-bonk platforms.
hey 🤗 crypto 💕.
Free-bonk is a newly faucet platform launched yesterday. it allows you to earn free crypto namely bonk , pepe, Litecoin etc.
You can earn via at least 6 ways.
1- bonus coupon. if you don't have an account yet use this link
use the coupon code SHARE_BONK to earn 40 Bonk.🔥
2- claim 20 Free Bonk every day on your dashboard.🔥
3- claim 4 bonks every 60 seconds via🔥 faucet . check also your dashboard 🔥
4- claim 200 bonk via shortlink 🔥
5- claim 20,000 Bonk via OfferWalls.🔥
6- claim 4,000 Bonks via challenge Feature 🔥
The platform pays automatically but you Remember to enter your Cwallet ID or FaucetPay ID in the settings. will give more details in the next post
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