, the 49th project on Binance Launchpool

Ether.Fi has an innovative approach to Ethereum staking. This protocol aims to simplify and improve the staking experience, especially for users who find traditional methods cumbersome or inaccessible. S

Let's explore the specifics of Ether.Fi and its potential impact on the Ethereum ecosystem.

What is Ether.Fi

Ether.Fi is notable for being a decentralized and non-custodial delegated staking protocol. Unlike custodial staking, where users cede control of their assets to third-party platforms, Ether.Fi allows users to retain custody of their staking ETH.

This focus on decentralization aligns perfectly with the core principles of blockchain technology and builds trust within the protocol.

Furthermore, Ether.Fi introduces a new concept: the liquid staking token (LST) called eETH. This token represents ETH at stake and gives users the flexibility to participate in various DeFi applications while their ETH continues to generate staking rewards. This dual functionality positions Ether.Fi as a user-centric platform that prioritizes both security and financial gains.

How works

Ether.Fi operates through a well-defined framework involving three key stakeholders: stakers, node operators, and node service users. The protocol is divided into three phases: delegated staking, liquidity pool and node services.

Staking delegat

This phase is for users with 32 ETH or multiples thereof, the minimum requirement to run validator nodes on the Ethereum networ)

Ether.Fi envisions a future where s can leverage NFTs to incentivize node operators to provide additional services that support the Ethereum network infrastructure. This phase is still in development, but underlines the protocol's commitment to continuous innovation and fostering a robust staking ecosystem.

Ethereum staking involves users staking their ETH to support the network's security and consensus mechanism.

Validators, which are essentially computer programs that propose and verify new blocks, are chosen based on the amount of ETH they stake.