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11.11.2022 г.
Twitter is just going back and forth with the blue verification paid services and crypto integration option.
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Buying cryptocurrency coins at the top of the market will make anyone think that the coin they invested into is a bad coin. To be able to make maximum profits with your investments, you have to constantly wait for the prices to do a major shift. If the prices are falling fast, then wait for a good entry price to buy, if the prices are going up fast, that the time to take out profits. Regardless of if you think the price will keep going up or not. Sometimes a big dip in the prices of coins can be an indicator that the price was to go up even higher. This is when it’s important to have stable coins readily available in your wallets so that you will buy more coins and tokens for a reduced price.
18.04.2024 г.
Day Trading is one of the most popular ways to make money in crypto, but sometimes it’s hard for many beginners to make profits because they don’t know which coins are good to buy and trade. So, here is a proven method to make money in crypto without day trading. A lot of cryptocurrency content online is perceived to be hard to understand mainly because of the technicality of the words used to communicate and explain the concepts. These provides a lot of people with an opportunity! My crypto mentor told me how much influencers with a large following on social media are getting promoting crypto content which could be up to $15,000, I was surprised. How can you be a crypto influencer! You need to know that just because you know about Bitcoin, doesn’t mean you can start publishing content on Crypto, if you are ready to read and gain more knowledge about cryptocurrency. It’s more about being aware about providing information to certain questions or problems that other investors are facing to which they need answers to. These valuable information that could help others in how to make better decisions in the crypto market. As long as you are able to explain these difficult concepts and make it easy to understand by creating videos and posts that are digestible to even someone with no background in crypto. You are good! A crypto influencer is someone has gained some experience as to how the industry works that they are able to make tactful decisions on which projects are good, what moves to make and what actions to take or not take regardless of whether it’s bullish or bearish season. You are tasked with the responsibility to guide others on how to use certain crypto apps, and give others the skills that will enable them to be able to research, invest or trade cryptocurrencies on their own. Firstly, You will need to pick a platform, it can be on square or any other social platform where you can freely share your opinions and thoughts about certain crypto topics you have valuable information about.
6.04.2024 г.
Would you like me to post trading signals?
3.04.2024 г.
How Much Do Crypto Influencers RealisticallyMake Per Video
2.04.2024 г.
When The Crypto Market Is Down, What Should Be Your Next Move…
23.03.2024 г.
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Yi He
Co-Founder & Chief Customer Service Officer in @Binance /Holder of #BNB
Samina Khan
New to crypto? I'm here to help,guiding you through the basics & beyond | X - @SaminaKhanKtk
Gigi B
ART = LIFE 👁️ building HUDI 🐸 @humandataincome ❤️ e/acc ⚡️
Ajay Kashyap_
Master Crypto with Me | 340K+ YouTube Family
Dimas Adi
A Learner
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