Introducing HOT-$NEAR Wallet on Telegram. It's a fully on-chain and non-custodial wallet. 📲

$HOT is the main token of this new Telegram wallet ecosystem. The best part? Earning and mining $HOT is super simple for early adopters like us – just create an account and you're in! ⛏️

With HOT, you can cover transaction fees, buy assets in dApps, and more. Plus, it's transferable and exchangeable. 🔥

Yesterday, first time in coin's history $HOT-$PERP pair was created on WhiteBIT and for now it's trading around $3. 💰

If you're into crypto and looking for a wallet that's secure and easy to use, HOT-Near Wallet might just be what you need. Plus Consider $HOT potential.

You can use my referral -… 🫂

#HOT #NEARBlockchain. #NEARProtocol