Don't be deceived by the number of people talking about a project.

Your investment might need you to see a 1000% pump before you can make a significant gain while they are already out of the market at a slight 50% base on the amount they invested.

Listing coins or whatever the fundamentals or techicals doesn't guarantee a pump.

Check top 100 coins from last 5 years and you will see there are lots of coins that has entered and left.

So pay attention to the ones that has stayed longer like $BTC $ETH $BNB and the likes, those are what your portfolio should carry the most.

Some of You would've made mad gains if you had invested the money you used on $babydoge, $pitbul, $safemoon, and the likes on top 100 coins but the sound of those quantities in billions & trillions was your trigger.

It's not easy for a coin to cancel zeros, it takes a lot of dedication, sweat and strength of the team to push further.

Just last year Top 100 coins has seen a lot of soldier go soldier come from January to December. You can also base your research on that and you will make mad gains if you are consistent.

One lesson I'll leave you with is your crypto bosses only invest their profit in même coins but you base your own investment majorly on meme because you think the top 100 are too high in price.

Be ready for a long ride and you might not make it to your financial freedom.

All In all DYOR DCA

The fight is against Poverty

❤️ & 💡

Peace out