According to Odaily, the US Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee has announced plans to hold a hearing on digital commodity regulation on July 10. Rostin Behnam, Chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), is set to be the sole witness at the hearing. It is reported that this could be a general cryptocurrency hearing. The hearing is part of the committee's ongoing efforts to understand and regulate the rapidly evolving digital commodity market, including cryptocurrencies.

The participation of Behnam, who heads the CFTC, indicates the importance of the hearing. The CFTC is a key regulatory body in the US, overseeing the futures and options markets. Its involvement in the hearing suggests that the committee is taking a serious look at how digital commodities, including cryptocurrencies, are traded and regulated.

The hearing could potentially have significant implications for the future of digital commodities in the US. It represents a step forward in the government's efforts to understand and regulate this new and rapidly evolving market. The outcome of the hearing could shape the regulatory landscape for digital commodities, including cryptocurrencies, in the US for years to come.