According to BlockBeats, Polymarket, a prediction market platform, has achieved a record monthly trading volume of $72.23 million on June 25. In addition, the platform also set a new record for the number of new accounts in a month, reaching 21,829.

The platform's main prediction category is currently the winner of the 2024 US presidential election, with a predicted amount of $182 million. This indicates a significant interest in political events and their potential outcomes among the platform's users. The surge in trading volume and new accounts suggests a growing popularity of prediction markets, particularly in the context of major global events such as the US presidential election.

Polymarket's record-breaking performance demonstrates the increasing acceptance and use of prediction markets. These platforms allow users to bet on the outcome of future events, providing a unique form of market-based forecasting. The high trading volume and the number of new accounts on Polymarket indicate a strong demand for this type of service.

The prediction for the 2024 US presidential election being the main category on the platform highlights the global interest in the event. The large amount of money predicted for this event shows the high stakes involved and the significant impact the election results could have on various sectors, including the prediction market itself.