According to Foresight News, the weekly report from CoinShares revealed that digital asset investment products experienced outflows for the second week in a row. The total amount of outflows was $584 million. Bitcoin saw outflows reaching $630 million, while Ethereum experienced outflows of $58 million. On the other hand, multi-asset products saw inflows of $98 million.

This data indicates a significant shift in the digital asset market, with investors seemingly moving their funds away from single-asset products like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and towards multi-asset products. This could potentially signal a change in investor sentiment and strategy, as they may be seeking to diversify their portfolios amidst the volatile digital asset market.

However, it's important to note that despite the outflows, the overall market for digital asset investment products remains robust. The inflows into multi-asset products suggest that investors are still interested in the digital asset space, but may be adjusting their investment strategies in response to market conditions.