According to PANews, data from CoinShares weekly report indicates that digital asset investment products have experienced the largest outflow of funds since March 22, 2024, totaling $600 million. This is primarily due to the Federal Reserve's FOMC meeting exhibiting a more hawkish stance than anticipated. Bitcoin was the most affected asset, with an outflow of $621 million, while products shorting Bitcoin attracted an inflow of $1.8 million.

Despite the selling pressure on Bitcoin, altcoins such as Ethereum, LIDO, and XRP saw relatively small inflows of funds, amounting to $13 million, $2 million, and $1 million respectively. Additionally, the total digital asset trading volume for the week was $110 billion, lower than this year's weekly average of $220 billion, but significantly higher than last year's $20 billion.

In terms of regional distribution, the United States led the outflow of funds, totaling $565 million. This was followed by Canada, Switzerland, and Sweden. However, Germany bucked the trend, attracting an inflow of $17 million.