According to U.Today, the demand for compute power is currently experiencing a significant increase, which is reflected in NVIDIA's recent earnings report. This has led to a rise in AI crypto products. The NEAR Protocol, which is working on building the largest AI consumer chain for users, has increased its efforts in this direction. The protocol is considering an AI developer incubation program to attract developers and provide support in various AI subsectors. This could potentially boost innovation and adoption within the NEAR ecosystem.

Another example is AO, which combines data storage on Arweave with the horizontal scaling of computation in an extremely efficient layer. This combination addresses common issues such as memory usage and compute workloads, while expanding the potential use cases for on-chain agents. Several projects are already being developed on top of AO, including Autonomous AF, 0rbitco, and aox_xyz. The AO ecosystem is expected to make a major announcement in early June, which could provide further incentives for development.

The Ora Protocol has created a model that can be tokenized through its Initial Model Offering (IMO). Token holders are incentivized through revenue sharing, using the Ora-pioneered ERC-7461 standard for the fair and transparent distribution of ETH rewards. The team is also proposing additional standards based on AI to support the sector's growth. However, despite the presence of many 'Web3 Hugging Faces', none offer sufficient incentives to contributors to support the sustainability of these models, a problem that the Ora Protocol aims to solve.