According to PANews, modular blockchain network Celestia has announced the launch of Blobstream on its Base mainnet, allowing developers to continue building and creating customizable high-throughput block spaces within the same ecosystem. Developed by Succinct Labs, Blobstream is a one-way data proof bridge that enables Ethereum L2 and L3 to use Celestia as a modular data validation. It uses DA proofs and Merkle roots of batched Celestia block data to prove the existence of rollup data on Celestia.

Developers can now begin integrating new Ethereum rollup frameworks with Blobstream to expand any ecosystem. It is important to note that Blobstream is still in its early stages and is experimental software, so users should assume the risks associated with using Blobstream.

Previously known as the Quantum Gravity Bridge (QGB), Blobstream serves as a bridge between Celestia and Ethereum (or its EVM L1 chain), facilitating data and asset transfers between the two networks.