Can quantum computer mine Bitcoins..?
First thing..Quantum computers are not yet practical for real work. Physically engineering high-quality qubits has proven challenging...but what about future.
We all know quantum computers will be there in future. They can make calculations really really fast. If you think how fast then for your reference quantum computer can make calculations in one second that a super computer can take 47 years to process.
There is a good thing in Bitcoin blockchain mining if more miners included in mining, the algorithm will adjust itself by increasing difficulty or hashrate. I remember back in days Bitcoin mining was so easy with less hashrate because there were less miners.
Quantum computer also comes with a great cost of operating and maintaining. Maybe it will crack Bitcoin alogrithm but I m damn sure Quantum computers need a long way to go. It means you don't have to worry about quantum computer as they won't be practical in our lifetime..thats may be next 30 to 50 years..So just chill..
Our generation won't see quantum computer practically working..