The most important advice for those on their first cycle ☝️
If you don't have a plan for when to sell during this bull market cycle - make one. In crypto, maintaining wealth is harder than getting rich, so here is some advice 👇
Many people watch their paper profits shrink to nothing because they never decide when to actually sell, so it is crucial to set clear rules that tell you exactly when to take profits ⌚️
Maybe that means selling a small percentage every two weeks, or maybe it means cashing out as soon as your coin hits a target price.
But you need to set these rules long before the market gets wild. Emotions can ruin even the best intentions if you are not prepared.
😨 If you ignore this advice, you risk the dreaded roundtrip, where you ride a coin up, brag about your unrealized profits, and then watch it plummet back down to where you started.
It hurts to see a big number on the screen disappear, and it is a story that many people have experienced. Profits only matter if you realize and protect them 💸
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