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Muscle Bitcoin
🤔 Binance acumulando monedas Gala💰 porque el intercambio más grande del mundo está tan interesado 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
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Muscle Bitcoin
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$BTC Bitcoin – es una moneda digital descentralizada, y BNB es un token emitido por el intercambio de criptomonedas Binance. Tienen diferentes objetivos y formas de uso. Bitcoin a menudo se llama "oro digital" porque su oferta es limitada y se utiliza como medio de ahorro y activo de inversión. BNB, por otro lado, es principalmente un token utilitario que ofrece descuentos en las comisiones de Binance y se utiliza para pagar servicios en el ecosistema de Binance. Así que, aunque ambas criptomonedas son importantes, no compiten directamente.
$BTC $XRP $GALA Galachain soon to have its own betting pool Gala is about to create its own staking pool on its blockchain where you place your coins and earn Gala. It's interesting to know how much the percentage will be earned per day. How will the distribution be? Will it be flexible or for a limited time? If Gala offers me a higher percentage, I'll obviously go where I earn more since Binance pays very little to keep your coins. #VoteToListOnBinance #TrumpAtDAS #BinanceLaunchpoolNIL #RippleVictory #Write2Earn
$BTC $BNB $GALA Gala analysts mention every day that Gala will rise while they have their portfolio at 100% USDC 🤣 meanwhile, with him 100% in Gala, I am more realistic and cautious. I don't trust him. #ETHBreaks2k #ETHBreaks2k #AiXBTSecurityBreach #Write2Earn
$AIXBT AIXBT — criptoactivo, desarrollado en el marco del ecosistema Virtuals Protocol, que combina blockchain, inteligencia artificial y análisis de datos del mercado. Fundadores: Prakash Somasundram (fintech), Colin Chu (IA), Christopher Johnson (marketing) y Matthew (ciberseguridad).$AIXBT
$BNX $GALA $BTC Then they say the market is correcting, that my coins aren't rising, that they're stuck. If the coin is going to rise, it will. In the case of Binary X, the gaming platform, this is a second surge. Meanwhile, Gala is falling. The problem is that if Gala rises, we all win, and it seems someone wants us all to lose. Remember the case of XRP: they rose explosively and didn't care about Bitcoin. Gala is completely out of the game. Pardon the irony, but it's true. #BNBChainOverSolanaInDEXVolume #USTariffs #TONRally #WhaleMovements #Write2Earn
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