holding for 2.33years and gaining 12.5× return. please correct me.
A whale has closed their FLOKI trade with a remarkable $2.74M profit, yielding a 12.5x return after holding for 2.33 years. 🎉 Selling Activity: In the past 9 hours, the whale sold the last 5B FLOKI (worth $850.5K) for 253.4 ETH at an average price of $0.0001701. Selling Address: 0x064119f19c5815bce4dbb68d04d4eba32d0095c7 Main Address: 0x3f753EAB7dF7008E34dEd57F5D1cC1FC290B622d Trade History: Between August 12 and December 4, 2022, the whale accumulated 15.072B FLOKI from HTX (then Huobi) at an average price of $0.00001452, spending an estimated $218K. From January 31, 2023, to December 30, 2024, the whale strategically sold FLOKI through DEXs and HTX at an average price of $0.0001966, realizing $2.95M, mostly at market peaks. #FLOKİ
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