💡I thought RUNNING NODES is very hard and need to have programming language skills, but I did learn it in just span of 3 weeks.

Let me share you a very good tutorial, to practice on running NODES.

Bonus a cheap server + free guide.


Run 4 nodes in Small VPS.

Order Small VPS:(Use Euro currency for cheaper price)


Log in your VPS

Video Tutorial:


Gaganode - Arkeo - Meson - Avail

Always use Screen every set up to continue run apps in the background.

apt install screen <---- install screen if needed

screen -S gaga <--- sample command

1. Gaganode Register:



sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

ufw enable <------- if enabled already, use allow next in adding port no need to 'ufw enable'

ufw allow 22

ufw allow 443

Follow guide here, copy and paste (Linux 64 bit):


Check dasboard on website if running.

2. Meson Node:

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

ufw allow 22

ufw allow 443

Follow guide here, copy and paste (Linux 64 bit):


Check dasboard sa website dun if running.

3. Arkeo:

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

ufw allow 26656

ufw allow 26657

ufw allow 9091

ufw allow 9090

ufw allow 6060

ufw allow 1317



Full instruction in the website read carefully)

Save all details especially the seedphrase.

Get faucet here:


Need to stake 900+ to become a validator then continue to run you nodes.

Check your validator here: https://testnet.arkeo.explorers.guru/

4. Avail:

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

ufw allow 30333

1. Install here: (Fill up what's needed)

wget -O avail-auto.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thenhthang/vinnodes/main/Avail/avail-auto.sh && chmod +x avail-auto.sh && ./avail-auto.sh

2. Whole downloading do other task.


3. After installing use this command.

sudo systemctl start availd.service

Check status here need to finish syncing:

journalctl -a -u availd

4. You can now check your name here:


Finish Quest here:


Don't forget to fill up Avail Form:

Full Node:


Light Client:


4 in 1 nodes for just 4.50 euro a month + one time set up fee(can be free if have promo)


Credits to Sir Michael, Sir William for research and other team paldogz


#nodes #web3 #vps #howtorunnodes #linux