As of December 21, 2024, $Velodrome Finance's (VELO) token is trading at approximately $0.1763, with a 24-hour trading volume of around $185 million.
Price predictions for VELO vary among analysts:
Bitget forecasts a price of $0.3074 by the end of 2025, indicating a potential increase of about 68% from the current price.
OKX projects a more modest rise, estimating the price to reach $0.23872 by 2030.
Binance suggests that if VELO's market capitalization grows to $500 million, the price could rise to approximately $0.571. In a more ambitious scenario, a $2 billion market cap could see VELO trading at around $2.28.
Please note that cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, and these predictions are speculative. It's essential to conduct thorough research and consider the inherent risks before making any investment decisions.