Upbit recently announced that it would be halting the deposit and withdrawal of Tokamak Network (TON) at 2 PM on December 19th. The reason for this halt is a change in the symbol for Tokamak Network, which will be changed from TON to TOKAMAK. Deposits and withdrawals will be suspended from 2 PM on December 19th and will remain suspended until further notice. After the symbol change is complete, deposits and withdrawals will be reopened on Upbit. Upbit recommends that users withdraw their TON tokens before the suspension period begins. Deposits and withdrawals of TON will not be possible after 2 PM on December 19th. This symbol change is being made by the Tokamak Network team. Upbit is simply facilitating the change and is not responsible for the decision to change the symbol. If you have any questions or concerns about this symbol change, please contact the Tokamak Network team directly.