Good day to all, and good deals, some useful information!)
What is the daily trading volume of Cosmos Hub (ATOM)?
The trading volume of Cosmos Hub (ATOM) over the last 24 hours is $494,485,582. This figure is down -7.00% from the day before, indicating a recent drop in market activity.
What is the all-time high price of Cosmos Hub (ATOM)?
The all-time high price of Cosmos Hub (ATOM) was $44.45 on Jan 17, 2022 (almost 3 years). The current price is 79.38% lower.
What is the all-time low price of Cosmos Hub (ATOM)?
The all-time low price of Cosmos Hub (ATOM) was $1.16 on Mar 13, 2020 (almost 5 years). The current price is 690.18% higher.
What is the market cap of Cosmos Hub (ATOM)?
The market cap of Cosmos Hub (ATOM) is $3,591,984,224. The token is ranked 53rd on CoinGecko for this indicator. Market cap is calculated by multiplying the price of ATOM tokens by the number of tokens in circulation (current market cap: 390.69 million).