$BNB #Megalink

#MG8 Coin Chart Analysis

The #Binance Chain Demo Day is just around the corner.

During the event, there will be a 30-minute game showcase and testing session, along with various events taking place.

Since MG8 is listed on only one exchange, the price volatility remains high. Fluctuations of 20–30% happen quite easily.

The Demo Day is scheduled to take place 30 hours from now, and I recommend tuning in to watch.

As for the chart, there haven’t been significant changes since the last update.

I believe there’s a possibility that the current movement is forming an impulse wave, so I’m keeping a close watch.

With game-related coins like The #Sandbox  and Big Time rising, I think MG8 might also see upward momentum at some point.

Have a great day!

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