My brothers -


You will NOT sell to Wall St. at $100,000.

You will NOT sell to Wall St. at $1,000,000.

You will NOT sell to Wall St. at $10,000,000.

Every time you are tempted to sell your hard-earned, hard-fought, hard-hodl’d #BTC    for their dirty, worthless, printed-from-thin-air, war-financing fiat, you WILL remember every time they mocked you, fought you, laughed at you, called you a criminal - you will remember how those boomers ran this criminal Ponzi economy into the ground & did everything they could to steal the American dream from you - & you WILL 🤘HODL 🤘 like the psychopaths you are.

You WILL make those rat bastards pay you what you know your #BTC  is worth. ✊

#Kri #Bitcoin $BTC