Intense$POWR #POWR Liquidation Strike!

A massive $52.7K long position on POWR just got obliterated at $0.228!

Bulls were banking on a surge, but the market had other ideas, forcing a brutal liquidation.


This wasn’t a gradual decline—POWR’s sharp price drop hit hard, instantly wiping out leveraged longs.

The Breakdown: Buyers got caught in a squeeze as $POWR slipped past critical support.

With volatility spiking, the market took no prisoners, dragging this $52.7K long into a liquidation spiral.

In a flash, positions vanished, leaving bulls stunned and shaking up the whole trading field.

Unforgiving Market Conditions! Volatility is amplifying, and each price movement is now a potential liquidation risk.

POWR traders are on edge, knowing that any wrong move could mean severe losses in seconds.

Brace for Impact! More longs may be at risk if the dip deepens.

As POWR continues its dive, those still in the game are hanging on by a thread.

Who’s next on the chopping block?

Created with Highcharts 9.1.1

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