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Sikandar kr
market is pump in few hours soon please wait for confirmation of market.
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Sikandar kr
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Twitter A/c :- sk7800487 ✅
$HIVE /USDT Hello Guys New update regarding #Hive coine. first of all we are miss this opportunity long buy side position. but we are wait here for Next strong support Leval. 👍If i seen again strong support Leval then i will update here. now we need to wait some time. Now current price $0.27 And high price $0.28. 🚨if we are seen support Leval on $0.2 or $0.24. This price then we will again trade place long buy side. But i know more people have not paitance but try to learn. ✅Market is all time all days Avilable but once time you loss your capital then you need time and need hard work then you have again come capital. so don't waste your capital any coine. 💯if i think true then mention your feedback in comment box you can ask me about Treding on twitter. #BinanceAlphaAlert #USTariffs #VoteToListOnBinance #SaylorBTCPurchase
Today current price $639📈 growth within 24 hour
$TRUMP /USDT Hello Guys new updates regarding #TRUMP coine. you know Guys this coine is very bad But no one people leave this coine becouse more people now wait for up trend. ❣️ Becouse lot of people loss to much USDT in this coine. But Guys we are small trade not a professional so we need to profit all time. 👍But now i share with you this update becouse now is the right time for buy side position. And book profit on resistance Leval. now current price is $11.9 And i expect today he go $12.5 USDT. ✅I hop you understand if you satisfied then tack a small trade otherwise ignore it. if anyone seen this Post time then you can follow me. then you will be get all updates on time. #BinanceAlphaAlert #ILOVETRUMP #VoteToListOnBinance #BNBChainMeme
$JTO /USDT 🚨Hey Guys amazing chart of this coine #jto You can seen that my chart on 1 hour time. I don't know what you think about this type chart. 👍But i seen this type after a long time first time. here both options true long buy /short sell side position. But who active and control self emotion there pepole are eligible here 💔if you have no patience then don't tack trade in this coine. becouse here now you can store small profit not a big profit. ✅If you like my post then sure follow me. And mention in comment box your favourite coine. and share my post with your friends and family keep supporting me. thank you. #BinanceAlphaAlert #SaylorBTCPurchase #ETFWatch #BNBChainMeme
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