Exciting news from the Major team! They’ve been diligently refining the tokenomics for $MAJOR, and we can expect the full details to be unveiled soon.

In their latest announcement, they confirmed that players' in-game statuses will soon be tokenized as NFTs, creating a new dimension of value and engagement for the community.

This shift will elevate the gaming experience, allowing players to convert their progress into valuable digital assets.

A key point the team stressed is the importance of staying active in the game.

Inactive players will see their ratings burned, making it essential to log in regularly to retain rankings.

This is a critical reminder to stay engaged and ready for the highly anticipated token airdrop, where active participants stand to benefit the most.

With these upcoming changes, it’s clear the Major team is focused on creating long-term value and deeper involvement for its community.

Make sure you’re prepared, stay active, and don’t miss out on what’s coming next!

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