Human nature and social rules that adults must understand


Try not to have deep sexual relations with people who have sweet mouths.


People who complain often are definitely garbage.


Don't always try to change yourself to please others. The biggest stupidity is to cater to others, which often makes you lose your life!


If you feel that your friends are slowly alienating you, it's not that your friendship has faded, or that you did something wrong, but that you are getting more and more depressed, or he is getting more and more depressed.


Be a person like Liu Bei, and do things like Cao Cao. To plan things, you must first learn to know a person. Everything is the result of planning with people. Think about people before thinking about things, and plan people before planning things.


Don't expose other people's methods. Everyone has their own way of survival. As long as he doesn't hurt you, he is a good person.


If you vaguely feel that someone doesn't like you very much, don't doubt that the person has been flattering you behind your back, or even more vicious than you think by twenty thousand times. So don't try to express your kindness to him, you should get a return. Keep an indifferent attitude and stay away as much as possible.


Learn to accept weaknesses. Humility is the foundation of building relationships.


Don't write your happiness or sadness on your face. No one cares about you, and no one wants to see you.


Don't accept gifts from others casually. Every gift has its purpose.


If you can say nice things, you can get 50% of the people, if you can do nice things, you can get 80% of the people, both can get 99% of the people.


The worse a person treats his family, the more useless he is. He likes to please outsiders, but he is just the opposite to his family.

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