Transforming Yourself into the Ideal Trader.

Great traders possess a level of self-awareness that many overlook. They understand the essential qualities needed for success in trading.

Let's break down what I mean by qualities:

Qualities refer to the distinctive attributes or characteristics of someone or something.

Starting from ground zero, every trader has to go through trial and error, analysis, synthesis, and reflection.

Along the way, they develop behavioural and mental patterns crucial for trading the markets.

Now, let's dive into the exercise, divided into 3 parts:

Step 1: Take a deep dive into your current trading qualities and characteristics.

Be brutally honest. This is your starting point.

Step 2: Envision the qualities of the ideal trader.

Imagine someone with the same edge/strategy as you, but consistently profitable.

What sets them apart? Dig deep.

For example:

Current: Impatient, indecisive, lacks discipline to hold winners, desires quick profits.

Ideal: Patient, disciplined