How Many $ HMSTR Tokens Will You Receive in the Airdrop?
- Total supply: 1 billion $HMSTR tokens
- Initial price: $0.01 per token
- Airdrop allocation: 60% of the total supply (600 million tokens)
If you receive 1% of the airdrop allocation (which is 6 million tokens), and the initial price is $0.01, your airdrop would be worth:
6,000,000 tokens x $0.01 = $60,000
This is just an estimate, but what do you think?
How many **HMSTR** are you expecting to grab?
HMSTR = 1$ ?
According to the current information, the initial price of $HMSTR tokens is set at $0.01, not $1
#HamsterKombat #BinanceLaunchpoolCATI #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #FreeAirdropAlerts