In an exclusive interview, Naz Ventura, the founder of TapSwap, shares the journey behind creating a viral Telegram game that has captivated millions of users. TapSwap has quickly become a sensation in the Web3 space, blending simple gameplay with the complex mechanics of blockchain technology. In this conversation, Ventura delves into the origins of TapSwap, the strategies that fueled its rapid growth, and the future plans for the platform as it continues to evolve within the ever-changing Web3 landscape.

Can you share the story behind TapSwap? How did the idea for a viral Telegram game come about, and what were your initial goals?

The idea for TapSwap was born in early January, shortly after the launch of the NOTCOIN project. After analyzing the virality of the Telegram bot and its mechanics, we decided to create a similar product. We recognized a strong demand for community unification and saw promising results from the referral program. This insight, combined with the popularity and functionality of the Telegram messenger, laid the foundation for TapSwap.

Our initial goal was to build an active community around this concept, using a simple tapping game to attract a wide range of users while introducing them to Web3 technologies. 

With 67 million players, TapSwap has become a viral sensation. What do you believe contributed most to its rapid growth and popularity?

In the Web3 world, staying on trend is crucial, and TapSwap was launched at the start of a popular trend, which significantly contributed to its virality. The fact that everything was integrated within the popular and functional Telegram messenger also played an important role in the game’s success, making it easy for users to join and participate. 

The technical properties of TapSwap are another thing that helped us amass millions of players quickly. Our dev team has ensured uninterrupted performance even at the highest load — the users often mention how smoothly the app works, and that’s the greatest acknowledgment for our developers.

Also, the referral program was particularly effective in spreading the word, and our strategic partnerships further amplified TapSwap’s reach.

TapSwap is often praised for its onboarding mechanics. How did you design the game to make the onboarding process seamless and engaging for users new to Web3?At TapSwap, we placed a strong emphasis on making the onboarding process as intuitive and engaging as possible, especially for users who are new to Web3. We designed our mechanics to be user-friendly and focused on familiar gameplay elements introduced by Notcoin, gradually presenting users with more complex aspects of Web3. 

The process begins with simple tasks that help users gain confidence and understanding, followed by more engaging activities that integrate core Web3 concepts. We have also dedicated significant attention to educating users through our official YouTube channel. This step-by-step approach ensures a smooth transition for users into the broader Web3 ecosystem. Additionally, in Tappy Town, users are rewarded for their progress, further motivating them to explore and engage with the platform.

How do you see the gamified onboarding mechanic evolving in the future? Are there specific features or strategies that you plan to implement to further enhance user engagement?I think they are evolving to become even more personalized and adaptive to individual user needs. In the future, we plan to incorporate AI-driven personalization that tailors the onboarding experience based on a user’s previous interactions, preferences, and learning pace. This will help to create a more engaging and effective onboarding process that keeps users motivated to progress further. Additionally, we are exploring the integration of social features, such as community challenges and collaborative tasks, to enhance the sense of belonging and engagement within the TapSwap community. We are continually refining these mechanics to make the onboarding process not just a gateway into Web3 but an enjoyable journey that users look forward to.

Clicker games have played a significant role in bringing new users into the crypto space. How do you think TapSwap has contributed to this trend, and what sets it apart from other Web3 games?

TapSwap has been a key player in bringing new users into the crypto space by providing an accessible and enjoyable entry point through its clicker game mechanics. What sets TapSwap apart is combining gameplay with meaningful value creation. Unlike traditional clicker games, where the primary goal is often just to accumulate points or rewards, TapSwap integrates a “play-generate value-earn” model where users generate real-world value for our partners through their in-game actions. This improves the gameplay and provides users with tangible benefits, making their engagement in the crypto space more rewarding and sustainable. Additionally, our focus on seamless onboarding and user-friendly design, supported by our educational resources like the official YouTube channel, has made it easier for newcomers to transition into the Web3 environment.

In what ways do you see clicker games influencing the broader Web3 ecosystem, particularly in terms of user adoption and engagement?Clicker games and TapSwap are likely to play a pivotal role in the broader Web3 ecosystem – lower the barriers to entry and make blockchain technology more accessible to a wider audience. These games provide a fun and engaging way for users to learn about and interact with Web3 without the steep learning curve typically associated with the space. As more users become comfortable with these mechanics, they are more likely to explore other areas of Web3, such as DeFi, NFTs, and DAO participation.

Furthermore, the data and insights gained from user interactions in clicker games can be leveraged to improve other Web3 applications, making them more user-centric and intuitive. In this way, clicker games can drive both user adoption and deeper engagement across the entire ecosystem. 

It’s widely discussed that clicker games like TapSwap collect vast amounts of data that can be used to train AI. How does TapSwap leverage this data, and what impact do you think it has on the growth of other Web3 projects?

We fully agree that we possess a vast amount of data on user actions within our mini-app and utilize it in accordance with our privacy policy. Additionally, as of today, we have several partnerships with leading global AI companies. The integration of their products will enable users to create added value, provide them with the opportunity to earn money, and generate profit for the platform.

Can you provide insights into how AI has been integrated into TapSwap, and how it enhances the user experience or gameplay?It’s still too early to provide definitive assessments of the results of these integrations or to discuss the specific methods we’ve employed. However, over time, this will become evident through new releases on TapSwap, which will showcase the benefits of this integration.

Gamified onboarding is being applied to a wide range of projects in Web3. How do you envision TapSwap’s mechanics being used in non-gaming contexts to attract users to various initiatives?

TapSwap’s gamified onboarding mechanics have the potential to be applied beyond the gaming sector, particularly in areas where user engagement and retention are critical. For instance, these mechanics could be used in decentralized finance platforms to guide users through complex financial processes in a more interactive and rewarding way. They could also be helpful in educational platforms within Web3, where users are incentivized to complete learning modules through a gamified experience that rewards progress and mastery. By adapting our onboarding mechanics to suit different contexts, TapSwap can help drive user adoption and engagement across a variety of Web3 initiatives, making the broader ecosystem more accessible and appealing to a wider audience.

Quest platforms have traditionally handled onboarding in Web3. How do you see clicker games, like TapSwap, complementing or even replacing these platforms?TapSwap is not merely a clicker game; the clicker aspect was initially designed to attract an audience and simplify the onboarding process. However, as a platform, we are moving beyond this and expanding our functionality significantly. We are evolving into a more comprehensive platform that includes quest systems, AI tools, database development, and more. Our focus is on broadening our capabilities to offer users a richer and more diverse experience within the Web3 ecosystem.

TapSwap has provided unique insights into how virality works on social media. What lessons have you learned about creating viral content, and how do you apply these insights to your marketing strategies?Through TapSwap, we’ve gained valuable insights into the dynamics of creating viral content on social media. One key lesson is the importance of understanding and tapping into the interests and behaviors of our target audience. We’ve learned that content needs to be engaging and easily shareable and relatable to resonate with a broader audience. We apply these insights by crafting content that is visually appealing, emotionally compelling, and directly tied to the values and interests of our community. Additionally, timing and platform selection play crucial roles in maximizing reach and engagement. By aligning our marketing strategies with these principles, we’ve been able to create content that drives virality and builds a stronger, more connected community around TapSwap.

With the success of TapSwap, what are your plans for the future? Are there any upcoming features, collaborations, or expansions that you can share with us? 

We are actively working on new features that will further enhance the gameplay experience, including the integration of advanced AI-driven personalization and new gamification elements that will keep users engaged over the long term. We are also exploring strategic collaborations with tier 1 exchanges and other key industry players to expand our platform’s reach and offer more opportunities for our users. 

How do you see TapSwap evolving in the rapidly changing Web3 landscape, and what role do you think it will play in the future of gaming and beyond?

As the Web3 landscape continues to evolve rapidly, we see TapSwap playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of gaming and beyond. Our focus is on sustainable value creation and continuous innovation. We are committed to expanding our platform’s capabilities by integrating advanced AI tools, developing comprehensive quest systems, and enhancing our data management strategies.

We believe that TapSwap will extend its influence into other areas of Web3, such as decentralized finance, NFTs, and more. By keeping up with new technology and listening to what users need, TapSwap will stay ahead in the Web3 space, providing a platform that’s engaging and meaningful for users worldwide.